Sport Instructors

This is a project that started many years ago in order to help schools that didn’t have a Physical Education teacher yet. We started a collaboration with different sporting federations that had full-time coaches on their national teams. The coaches had the opportunity to help at different schools and at the same time promote their sport and scout athletes for their federation.

Nowadays we have Sports Instructors that are still giving a hand at different schools that still do not have a permanent P.E. Teacher. We even have sport instructors that are assisting the P.E. teachers at big schools with many pupils. This way IBiSA can contribute to the physical education system by giving the kids more attention and guidance.

Sports Instructors also lead different Health and Movement projects for the community in different neighborhoods around Aruba. Projects such as “Hoben Activo, Hoben Feliz”, “Nos Grandinan Activo”,  “Communidad Activo” and “Bario Activo”.